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Global Call for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Global Call for Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: We Can Change Anything

Historically, women are discriminated. Back in the times, women are seen as inferior beings to men. Women used to not receive any type of education and are regarded as the ones who should be responsible for household chores and taking care of the children rather than studying on a specialty or be hired by companies to work. Women used to be seen as weaker and less intellectually capable rather than men. This can be seen from the vast difference in the number of women who are known in the academia compared to the number of men. Even at present, this difference can still be seen, though there has been progress from the past years.

Various movements for women empowerment has been started and has been participated to globally. Foundations, centers, and organizations that aims to promote gender equality and give women more opportunity to have the same rights and privileges of men have greatly increased and awareness in the discrimination of women’s rights has become more widespread. Laws and other projects towards the achievement of gender equality are continuously being lobbied and pushed through. Even the attitude towards issues like violence against women and abuse are taken more seriously and are given more attention.

The Spread of Awareness
Campaigns for gender equality are almost everywhere. In the media, for example, people are more critical of the words being used especially for addressing those people in authority. What used to be explicitly patriarchal terms are being altered in neutral terms. Terms such as chairman have been changed to chairperson in order to promote neutrality of the title. Other people are also active in criticizing what is seen as derogatory terms and situations for women. The portrayal of the roles of women in movies has improved from being completely passive and submissive to becoming a character of a strong woman.

This also gave way to the rights of women. Rights and privileges that only used to be enjoyed only by men are also experienced by women nowadays. Women can now vote and be voted. Suffrage used to be shied away from women yet now, more countries have elected women as their leaders. Women can also study and pursue the profession they want and are now recognized as part of the academia which used to be dominated by male. Though the ratio of women and men in certain professions are still different, the campaigns for women empowerment has given them the chance to be part of the labor force and the society without being limited to the four corners of a house. Women nowadays are not only limited to household management and other menial jobs. They are given the opportunity to take more challenging jobs and be respectable figures of the society.

These positive results do not mean that the global call for gender equality and women empowerment has halted as these are not yet fully realized in our world today. There are still countries that do not protect the rights of the women as they do to that of the men. There are still places where women are discriminated as influenced by their history and culture. These places are the target areas of these campaigns. 
This global call believes that we can change anything and this includes even the relatively invincible cultural and legal barriers.


  1. I firmly believe a woman can do anything a man can do. I don't know if there will ever be complete gender quality (at least in my lifetime), but I support all women who do what ever it takes to follow their dreams.

  2. All we need in the US is a woman president (paid the same as a male president of course) and that will be a tremendous stride in gender equality and women empowerment. Yes, women have certainly come a long way since back in the times. :)

    1. YES! Why not a woman president...Good point.

    2. I agree! What would it hurt, really? I think we would see things get done maybe?

  3. I was going to put a snarky comment here, then realized I would probably be way outnumbered. Crawling back into my cave...

  4. I agree. Women should be treated the same as men. If we do the same job, we should get paid the same amount.

  5. How about just equality in general?

    There is constant back-and-forth nonsense about everyone who is "different" from one group or another. I'm not saying that women aren't facing discrimination regularly, but if we could learn to treat everyone with respect, pay a fair wage for a job regardless of the person's gender, and not draw attention to what makes us different from someone else, the world would be a better place.

  6. I think women have taken massive strides in achieving equality but there's still ways to go. I look forward to the day that women make as much as men for the same jobs and skill-set, and they are taken more seriously.

  7. Women has really come a long way over the years. I'm proud to be from Wyoming, the first state to allow women the right to vote. Oh yeah! lol.

  8. Women have certainly come a long way, but we definitely have a long way to go.

  9. I agree with Kristi on this one a woman president would be awesome.

  10. I'd love to hear more about the campaigns. I'm so unaware of how things are globally and would like to know more about various cultures that haven't made the movement in the correct direction.

  11. I think its such a shame that even now there is still discrimination between genders, though of course it is great to see how far it as come. x

  12. Thanks so much for sharing this post. You bring up some really great points. I have never been one to feel inferior because I'm a woman.

  13. I agree with the comment above. A woman president would take the cake! We have definitely come a long way but still have a long way to go. We can do it ladies!

  14. Women still have a long way to go to be treated as equals to their male counterparts. Hopefully it will happen quickly.

  15. While I know that some places don't treat women and men equally, raising awareness doesn't always produce the results that we want. Specifically in the middle east.

  16. I am a stay at home mom and have also worked outside the home. I have a degree and had a high job. The most challenging and important job I have held though is being a stay at home mom. Anyone who says this is not challenging is more than welcome to walk in my shoes. I do think however that anyone and everyone should be allowed to achieve their dreams if they work hard for it and earn it. I just know for some of us who earn those achievements, we take a look and realize that the while the education and job were nice, we are needed more at home to raise our kids.

  17. We've certainly come far from where we started, but there's always room to make it better.

  18. I teach my girls they can do anything and everything they want. If they want it, go for it. Nothing can or will stop them if they want to do something. Everyone should be taught that :)

  19. I think women are more powerful then men we can give birth and that made the men feel infiror so they had to puff themselfs up some how by saying hey let's pay the women less for same amount of work

  20. I think women are strong, independent, and capable. But I like the family unit where men have their role and women do too. Not in a way that is degrading to either gender, but one that is cooperative and caring for everyone.

  21. We've come a very long way, but it still seems we have quite a way to go. While I think it's crazy that women are still so discriminated against, I guess in the grand scheme of things the women's rights movement is still relatively young.

  22. Women have made huge strides in equality and I think are treated equally in most cases. We're pretty much the generation now that hasn't really known it any other way so it has become part of normal life.

  23. I think that no matter what women do, there is still something that goes back to the root-and this where the discrimination comes from. Reading from the above comments, I don't think having women as president would help much. My country already had two women as presidents and yet discrimination still happens.

  24. I think that we can do whatever men do! We have made great strides towards this and I am happy I live where I don't have to worry about terrible discrimination as other countries do! We will get through to others one day at a time!

  25. Hey Robin, I agree with yo on The point that women can do anything a man can too, and that we follow our Dreams! I dont believe in Gender equality. I believe in Gender compatibility! We are each uniquely different as men and women and yet we compliment each other in our unique strengths! So lets embrace those differences and Build amazing lives :)

  26. I think we sometimes take for granted what freedoms we women do have in the U.S.. Granted there is still a lot of inequality in this country, but it fails in comparison to other countries. As generations change and continue to demand equal treatment, things will continue to improve.

  27. To hop off of some of the comments, women can definitely do whatever they set their minds to as men can; however I don't think that voting in a woman president simply because "she is a woman" is a good enough reason to vote for said woman. Great post!

  28. Gender equality is not just for women but all genders in general. I don't know why it's focused on one gender when it really should be everyone, regardless. If we can only stop the hate and the discrimination... for all genders, that would be awesome.

  29. We have come so far but over the world, we still have so far to go.

  30. I have a strong belief that men and women shall be treated equal especially in work place. No gender discrimination please.

  31. Women should be treated right and fair. There are many things that a woman can do that a man cannot.

  32. I've come to a conclusion that it shouldn't just be an act but rather a complete understanding with equality. I know guys who would never disrespect women but when given a safe way to give out their thoughts, it's not because they think women are equals but they're doing it because they simply don't want any trouble. That kind of mindset is still dangerous.

  33. Women should definitely be treated the same as men when it comes to equality. Gender discrimination is still so much a part of the workplace even though employers want to claim that it isn't.

  34. Women do need to be empowered. We are capable of doing what men do.

  35. We need to spread awareness about gender equality and women empowerment so that it will spread globally.

  36. I am fortunate to grow up in an environment that encouraged education and same opportunities as my male counter parts. This is one awareness I am happy to help spread

  37. We need to spread awareness about this! Wonderful post!

  38. What our country needs is to have more women in power ... like in the government to make a stand, example and lead. That alone will make a great start towards gender equality. That men and women should be treated equally.


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