The World of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is a subdiscipline of computer science. The main objective of this wise technology is to create intelligent agents, that is, to develop software or create a combination of software and hardware, able to observe and study the environment in which it is present. Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is classified into two areas: strong AI and weak AI. Strong Artificial Intelligence means "computational intelligence" that meets or exceeds manual or human intelligence in a particular area. Weak AI, on the other hand, is completely the opposite of strong AI, because it is not designed to match human intelligence for any given activity. The world we are living in today is full of artificial intelligence. May be we do not acknowledge it, but it is still present in many things. There are different types of Artificial Intelligence technology or computer automation systems that are changing our lives; for instan
Anything related to social issues, economic development, Information and sociology of everyday life.