GENDER BIASED SOCIETY I was often told by my Mother that men and women are like two wheels of a motor bike and if one is removed the vehicle won’t run at all. I grew up assuming that this notion is true and that is how society should exist; both genders equally sharing the responsibility and creating perfect harmony. Alas! I was mistaken; when I became somewhat mature I looked around and could visibly see discrimination and biased views prevailing in abundance. Surprisingly in India I found that Men hold a visibly dominant position in the society whereas women are often looked down upon. Why? I pondered and spent a few restless nights during the course of my thoughts and analysis. Gender biased India, my country is majorly a gender biased society granted an elevated status to men and women in general remained at the bottom. At times I felt that discrimination meted out to scheduled castes is less than what a woman faces in our society. Let us start with t...
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