Freelance world: the juggling act of life Get liberated! Feel free! Be your own boss! Let us all become freelancers; fine if all will become freelancers where will we find work? Who cares buddy? Hop on the bandwagon and you won’t regret it! These were some of my feelings when I first quitted my ‘regular’ job and decided to become a freelancer. I had some deep rooted notions about freelancing; for me it was some kind of glorious joy ride where I will be free from criticism of my boss or superiors. My collar would be free from the confinement of a ‘tie’. My dress will be according to my own preferences. I will be free to take trips or dine out whenever I pleased. I will be rewarded more with less input and above all I will be paid in ‘green bills’. Some of my notions turned out to be misconceptions; ok fine I will rephrase most of them turned out to be incorrect. Being a freelancer is no ‘joy ride’ though it definitely has its perks and advantages. Do not for a moment assum...
Anything related to social issues, economic development, Information and sociology of everyday life.