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Everything you need to Know About Racial Harassment

Racial harassment is a discrimination (victimization) against any person centered on his or her race, color,  or ethnicity. Most of us do not know the exact definition of this term, but we do know that any type of harassment is bad and should never be encouraged.  Racial harassment is precluded in numerous nations where citizens can file civil lawsuits or submit complaints with a government organization. A few racial harassment laws are incorporated into the penal code, making the harassment a criminal offense. Generally, the victim has to show that he or she was offended, subjected to an aggressive or hostile domain, or intimidated. A lot of racial harassment claims are filed by people in work and education domains; despite the fact that most of the employers and institutions impose obligation to prevent racial harassment.
Racial Harassment
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Racial Harassment Complaints

Most of the harassment complaints that are related to race are based on verbal provocation or hate speech. People who speak racial slurs, use offensive or abusive language, or engage in racial bullying are cited under racial harassment. If a person experience racial harassment at the workplace, he or she needs to report it to the HR department. In the united states, a person can also report harassment to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). It is a government agency dedicated to resolving racial issues and harassment. I tried to find out any similar agency in India, but no results. So what an Indian could do in such circumstances, tweet to the home ministry? About three months ago, a Manipur girl was harassed by an immigration official. She wrote on her FB wall that she don't even know where to complain against these bullies. Such issues needs to be reported to their regulatory bodies, and individuals should also file racial discrimination lawsuits in certain courts.
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Racial Harassment Penalties

Racial harassment is not restricted to speaking racial slurs or using offensive language, there are certain deplorable acts that are likewise considered as racial harassment. Basically, we cannot specify all the things that are considered as racial harassment because such acts incorporate many different branches but most of them comes under discrimination laws.  Fines and imprisonment are the common penalties of discrimination, racism, and harassment. However, the victim may also sue for financial loss in civil cases.
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Bottom Line

We all are humans; same blood and flesh, so why to discriminate based on color and physical characteristics? It is really a very big concern in our society. There is nothing bad in being proud of your particular race or color, or even nationality; however, the bloated "ego" of the mankind should not come in between. The root cause of racial harassment is our ego. The fact is that racism is ego-driven dysfunction which we need to eradicate to make the world a better place.
© Akhil Sharma  | | All Rights Reserved

What are your views on the continuous racial harassment of people around the globe? For instance, racial harassment of black people in the west and racial harassment of northeastern people in India? Or How does your company's HR handle racial harassment complaints? Please Comment Below to Share Your Views.


  1. Racial harrasment is a really important topic! I'm glad we haven't had any racial harrasment cases at work, but I do have seen cases at the street.

  2. This is a great article! Thank you for sharing.

  3. It's just so absurd to me that this continues after all the country has been through. Don't we have bigger fish to fry?

  4. This is so close to my heart because I'm Asian. Also, in the Philippines alone, we also have this "regional" racism of sorts when Filipinos living in the capital poke fun of other Filipinos from the provinces because of the way they speak or the way they dress. This is just so sad.

  5. I know this is still a problem everywhere, but what I hate is how the media magnifies it and only shows what will stir controversy, which is usually less than the whole story. If the media shared more positivity, and the great things that are happening around the world it wouldn't sell commercial spots as much. The media tells a story that there is an epidemic going on, and that's what people believe. A few weeks ago, a white woman police officer was trying to break up an altercation, when a drugged up black man beat her senseless. She didn't pull her weapon because of all the media backlash, and this story never made headlines. Why? Because The story doesn't stir controversy.

  6. It's sad that we even have racial harassment in our country. Sometimes I wonder if it's ever going to stop. It's dangerous and harmful

  7. I believe that racial harassment is too confined to one or two races anymore. I love that you didn't single it out!

  8. I think it's easy to forget how bad racial harassment is in other countries. At least we have laws to protect people, although they don't always work. It's important to be conscious of your company's rules should harassment of any form happen to you.

  9. Thank you for this post. I cannot understand why some people discriminate others because of their race.Discrimination not only for the Blacks and Indians, but most Asians as well. This is very sad.

  10. Any form of discrimination against others is reprehensible, and it says more about the abuser's lack of character than of the victim's.

  11. What a great topic! I hate when people do such a thing. It's sad. Can we all just get along?! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Racial harassment isn't going away any time soon. It happens in every part of the world which is heartbreaking. The best we can do is to raise kids that would look beyond skin color and race.

  13. It's awful the way it leaves people feeling, especially the children. I see it in schools, in many different forms, and you can always see the hurt register on the kids' faces. I'd change that for them in a minute if I could.

  14. There's no answer for racial correctness, but there's a lot of details usually as well. Great post and of course, an important topic.

  15. I think harassment in any form is wrong. I dream of a world where people are open-minded and accepting.

  16. I don't know how it is globally and I'm not in the workplace so I haven't seen it but I know it's very real and right now in the US it's rampant.

  17. It is important to bing awareness about this issues and to know which resources are available, thanks for sharing.

  18. I agree about racial harassment being prevalent in the education sector. Current laws, anywhere in the world are not doing enough to combat this problem...once again, I tend to wonder if putting more laws in place is the right way of policing this issue.

  19. I agree about this being prevalent in the education and workplace sectors. I have witnessed it on both. I do suspect that racial harassment is a global issue.

  20. It is so sad that racial harassment even exist today. Most of the time I believe people just need to belittle someone to make themselves feel better so they do it through racial harassment and other types of harassment. Hopefully one day this wont be a topic we need to discuss.

  21. Racial harassment is something that I'm too familiar with. I wish it wasn't the case. I'm lucky that were I live is very diverse.

  22. I think it's something that a lot of Americans are struggling with right now as we elect this new president who's been known to make racist comments.


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