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How to Stop Bullying: School bullying and Workplace bullying

Everything about bullying

What is bullying?

What is bullying
© Akhil Sharma 
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Whether in school or at a workplace, bullying is an approach or tactic to gain power and control over people. Attacking someone physically, calling names, threatening, damaging  property, using peer pressure, or abusing can all be types of bullying. We all are well aware of the term "bullying" so Instead of defining it more, I am going to discuss who can stop bullying, what you (we) can do to stop bullying, how to recognize a bully and how to stop bullying behavior.

Who can stop bullying?

Who Can Stop bullying
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Well, it is usually up to the targeted person and those around them to stop it. Adults need to rely on managers, human resource department (HR), colleagues, and friends, while kids often rely on their classmates, teachers, and parents to end these harassing patterns. If you are a parent, you need to teach your kid to recognize the warning signs of bullying, how to spot a bully, and what to do next in order to prevent it. I hope this blog post will help both kids and adults who are being bullied. 

A Bully Will Not Accept the Same Treatment in Return

Some people take bullying as joking or teasing, but it is not true. A bully, generally, can criticize someone or serve personal attacks; however, cannot take the same. Joking and teasing is OK among equal persons, and is likewise given and accepted. If I am joking with you or teasing you and not accepting jokes from your side or teasing from your end, then I am a bully. A bully will try to exert control or will get angry when getting the same treatment in return.
A Bully Won't Accept the Same Treatment
© Akhil Sharma  | | All Rights Reserved

How to Spot a Bully

How to Spot a Bully
© Akhil Sharma  | | All Rights Reserved
Recognizing bullying is directly proportional to stop bullying. To do this, you need to make your feelings known. I know this is a difficult thing for many kids and adults; we usually appear tough and cool in most of the social settings, but it is important to express your feelings in order to understand or spot a real bully. You need to tell him that his words or actions are hurtful or are not fun. This will help you recognize whether the person you are dealing with is a bully or not a bully. A jovial and funny person, who is not a bully will politely apologize and immediately stop his behavior or actions. On the other hand, a bully will start getting more severe;  he or she will increase bullying and will respond with harsh complaints and insults. This is how you can properly identify a Bully. The above mentioned "not accepting the same treatment in return" is also a sign to spot a bully.

How to Stop Bullying Behavior

After recognizing and understanding that you are dealing with a real bully, you need to take further actions. Now that everything is certain, you need to seek help in order to immediately stop this bullying behavior. Kids should report bullying behavior to their teacher and adults should report it to the manager or boss. If they are not responding or helping, then you need to go to an upper level authority. For instance, if a teacher is not helping then the student should go to the principle. Likewise, if your manager is not helping in this matter, you should go to the HR department. Kids should also tell their parents regarding the bullying behavior experienced by them. Keep in mind that if you are a victim of bullying, you don't have to fear, because you have all the rights to take strong and legal action.
© Akhil Sharma  | | All Rights Reserved

Bottom Line

© Akhil Sharma  | | All Rights Reserved
Do you know that bullies are not bad people? Bullies are (most of them) insecure people; lacking self esteem. If your friend is a bully or if any of your family member or known one is a bully, then it is your responsibility to understand him or her in order to stop his or her bullying behavior. You need to understand the real cause of this deplorable behavior; why your friend or closed one is behaving like this. I have seen many bullies (kids) who are also victims of bullying behavior from older siblings and parents. Some adults bullies were once bullied. In order to address this issue, you need to talk with that person. Being a parent, sibling, teacher, mentor or a friend, it is your responsibility to help them change their behavior. Anger management, impulse control, motivation, boosting self esteem, respect, and a few more skills can help a bully change his or her behavior.


  1. I recently watched a documentary on Netflix about girls who have been assaulted and then bullied. It was heartbreaking. No one deserves this treatment, especially when it can lead to young people taking their lives. Everyone needs to stand up to bullies and stop letting them take control. Thanks for posting this great reminder of what we can do to help.

    1. Yes, we need to stop bullying behavior as no one deserve this treatment.

  2. As a retired teacher this was one of the hardest things to deal with. I'm glad schools are so much more aware of what problems this behavior creates. Too many principals wait until it's too late and the problem grows too much.

    1. Yes, we now have a lot of information as well as the research regarding this issues. I too agree that the principal or any other authority should not wait or consider it a trivial situation..

  3. Bullying is horrible. Hopefully parents and adults can help kids make better choices.

  4. Bullying is something that can make a huge impact on a person's life especially when the person being bullied already has low self esteem. I think it always starts at home, bullies are often going through something emotional that they can't express which is why they choose to take it out on someone else. But that's really never an excuse to treat others badly.

  5. I have a niece suffering from bullying, I don't know how to comfort her. She always at her room

    1. Try to talk to her whenever you get the chance. Any sort of positive energy and motivation might help.

  6. Bullying is so terrible. It's really bad in schools. I just wish everyone could get along and stop all the bullying.

    1. Teaching kids not to bully is necessary; Schools need to teach kids about bullying behaviors.

  7. I used to work in a very toxic environment. I had to anonymously report people all the time for bullying.

  8. What an informative post! I have talked with my daughter about bullying, but it seems that she is still too little to understand the concept. I had no idea that most of the bullies insecure people.

    1. Thanks :) Glad to know that you are educating your daughter in early childhood regarding the bullying behavior.

  9. This is a very interesting topic. It break my heart when I heard that one of my kid is being bullied when she was young.

  10. I am so worried when my son was bullied at school when he was a little bit younger. It is important that parents will balanced it.

  11. I've been bullied when I was a kid. It is really helpful to be expressive to your parents.

  12. Definitely something we all need to be aware of! I love this - it's always good to know that there's things we all can do daily to help prevent bullying.

  13. We can all make a difference. Bullying is wrong and everyone needs to stand together.

  14. Thank you for the information about bullying. I didn't know that most bullies are insecure.

  15. It has definitely become an epidemic. Thanks for the post, it was very informative. We need to teach our kids these things.

  16. There is no excuse for bullying and it needs to stop. It's crazy that it happens. Your tips are wonderful for those who are experiencing this unacceptable behavior.

  17. I've always believed that about bullies -- that they're insecure. I feel like it comes from their home too. I suspect they're bullied themselves by someone there.

  18. Bullying is the WORST! I hate it - love the tips hopefully we can all use them and put a stop to it!

  19. Bullying is such a serious issue and it affects so many.It's difficult to find a real solution because of times the bully is acting out because they have their own problems. We need to teach our children that everyone deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Change always starts in the home!

  20. Agree with all the information above. Bullying in social media or in person is not really good at all. We cant really stop these people and just have to deal with it

  21. Bullying is such a horrible thing and I am always upset over such sick people who finds happiness by teasing and hurting someone. We must step in to say positive words to the ones who are affected & make sure all is well!

  22. I did know most bullies are not bad. They've got such tough walls in place though, that it's hard to get through.

  23. This is an extremely useful post for the victims of bullies. Thank you very much for sharing it.

  24. Such a perfect post, my son was a bully victim and I'm so glad that he overcome

  25. I'm seeing so much about kids committing suicide because of bullying. It's horrifying. It makes me so anxious with my son in middle school.


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