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The Pros and Cons of Globalization

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

Globalization (or Globalisation) means that nations can indulge in free trade with each other. Globalization is also a global movement towards communication, financial, and economical integration. The exact pros and cons of globalization cannot be determined because it is relatively a recent development; right now. So, it is really hard to figure out all the effects of globalization. There are two kinds of people globalist and anti-globalist, those who support globalization and those who are against it, respectively. Globalists usually sees its positive sides or pros, and anti-globalist look for its negative effects or cons. Globalists state that globalization is very beneficial for the quality of the life of people living in the countries as well as for the economic growth. On the other hand, anti-globalists states that globalization is harming the environment and the economy of the countries; however, they likewise believe that globalization is only beneficial for wealthy countries.
Pros and Cons of Globalization
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 In the post before last we have discussed modernization theory and development theory, so I thought now I should talk about globalization; please remember that I am not an economic expert and I won't be able to define everything in the scintillating manner. I am just explaining what I know and what I discovered through the internet research. Most of us are acquainted with the term globalization; however, only a few know what is globalization, specifically, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. Let's first talk about Anti-globalization movement.


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Those who are against globalization believe that globalization is generally beneficial for multinational companies or corporations, and they likewise state that small businesses are dying due to globalization. It is a well known fact that small businesses have very little place in the global market. For instance, a small town's local store is having a difficult time competing with malls and Walmart. People are avoiding local small businesses and buying products and services from overseas. For example, globalization is beneficial for china because they are selling cheaper parts and services; however, small businesses in China are also struggling. Anti-globalists believe that small businesses should get export opportunities. They likewise believe that the impact of globalization on small businesses needs to be improved and political system of different countries should take this as a serious issue because this can cause global economic damage. Many people support counter globalization or anti globalization movement.


Pro Globalists believe that the financial development as well as the economical growth that takes place due to the effects of globalization, overshadows its down sides or cons. They believe or expect that the economic advancement will cover all the damages caused by globalization such as environmental damage. They expect that nations will overcome poverty by providing their people access to better infrastructure, clean water, and technology that is incorporated with economic business development. Pro globalists also believe that corruption can hinder the advantages of globalization; however, they do not have any solution to this. "Corruption, development, and globalization are linked together, but we are only looking for potential gains or benefits of globalization," stated by a pro globalist. The planning or the operation of foreign policies as well as the global trade, and integration, and different ideologies of globalization are the real concept of globalism.
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Global Trade or International Trade

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We all know that the global economy is unstable; however, one theory suggests that we can increase the financial instability through the global trade or International trade. The globalization system clearly shows that mutual trade of different nations can affect their economy, and if the financial crises begin in one country, it will start affecting other countries too because all countries are connected to the global trade. However, it is just an assumption of financial crisis. In reality, the economic effects of globalization are extremely positive for nations taking part in global trade because this is raising per capita income of the people of those nations. In a few countries, the wealthy gain more wealth, while the poor lose access to both natural and financial resources consumed by global or international companies. So yes global trade has its pros and cons, but we need it; we all need it to strengthen the global economy as well as financial instability.

Outline: Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization

Globalization can help international corporations and big companies that might create ecological disruptions as well as pollution. Many globalists believe that the negative effects of globalization can be covered through the economic growth (positive effect of globalization). Nevertheless, corporations are not liable for cleanup. As mentioned in the beginning of this post that all the effects of globalization cannot be estimated since it is relatively a new development, however, we know that both positive and negative effects of globalization exist. Economic growth, technological innovations, communication, social media, free trade, worldwide integration, access to different cultures, open foreign policies, more investment opportunities, and a few more are positive effects of globalization, while ecological disruption, pollution, global warming, international regulations, and a few more are negative effects of globalization. Food chains like McDonald, domino's, and other junk food promoting companies are opening worldwide, risking people's life and resulting in negative impacts on people's health. These are likewise negative effects of globalization. Actually, it is really hard to put together all the negatives and positives, since globalization is a big term and there are many sub categories and sub zones incorporated in it. However, each category or side has some positives and negatives.  We should encourage positives, but we should also not ignore the negative ones because critisim leads to success.
Let us discuss a separate element of globalization: the sociology of this recent development
The Impact of Globalization: Glacier Retreating
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The Sociology of Globalization

The Sociology of Globalization
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The sociology of globalization means the use of "society" to the expanding of global connections. We all know that virtual world (Internet) made the outer world more connected and smaller in terms of technology; this is the main element of globalization. When we apply sociology to globalization, we get the sociology of globalization. In short, collaborating sociological insights with the study of globalization to see the effects of globalization on people's life. Why it is important? For many reasons; the major reason is "new information". We get practical information from people and we can also see the public standards of modern society. We all connect through social media and social networking, which indicates that new implications and behaviors (positive and negative effects) will arise. We need to know how people will connect in the future when globalization is going to intensify. This is important to embrace the good. The sociology of globalization is a science which requires research and analysis for the betterment of the modern world. Please note that the sociology of globalization has nothing to do with globalism or anti-globalism, because it is a study on how people are reacting to modern changes and how people will communicate in the future. It is an effort to collect useful information from the society around the globe.

Globalization and The Middle East

Westernization in the middle east
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There are many regions in the world where people prefer to isolate from others and many individual countries in the middle east cherish their cultural uniqueness. It is not a bad thing, but it becomes dreadful in a few complex cases. For instance, Iraq is completely changed after democracy. Now, people have access to the internet and they can see the news; they now understand that all the horror stories had been told to them like "how cruel is America" are false and all the hate that had been told was untrue. This is a good thing resulted from the globalization that now people can see things more clearly; it is really hard to swindle people these days because they know what is happening around the globe.
Middle east and globalization
© Akhil Sharma  | | All Rights Reserved


  1. Very interesting and different kind of have covered well the topic of globalization

  2. Financial and economic growth does occur but it can also impact small business owners and smaller communities. I think it has its pros and cons.

  3. Such mixed feelings about this sort of thing! My best friend who was also my maid of honor in my wedding is from Kwait. So I'm pretty familiar, at least from her perspective of these things and she says it's definitely good how people in the Middle East can now see things news wise, but also our view on people in the Middle East is so wrong. Sometimes we in America try to intervene too much & should let things be... So i really don't know. I try to view from all sides though.

  4. I think just like others, globalization has its advantages and disadvantages. We just have to look at it as how it's going to help a country's economy. Is it going to do more damage than good? Something like that.

    1. I agree with you, hope that globalization brings more good to our country than its disadvantages.

    2. As long as it benefits the end-consumer, then I am all for it.

  5. This was a very informative post. I don't think about Globalization that often and after reading your post, I want to try to stay on top of it.

    1. Globalization affects every one. It can be in a good way or a bad way, it just depends on how we view change.

    2. Yes, it does affect everyone. I think that it is subjective depending on the individual as well.

  6. Anything associated with change has both negative and positive effects. I love this post. I am for globalization, because it encourages people (and corporations) to make better products to be globally competitive, which would, in turn benefit the consumer.

  7. This is something I rarely think about, but thank you for pointing out some of the pros and cons of it.

  8. Globalization is an issue which will take years to truly understand. Yes, there are some pros to it--but at the moment imo there are more cons. If the big companies are allowed to "ruin" the environments of the poorer countries--then you won't have to worry about globalization--those countries will ultimately disappear from environmental causes or swallowed into the larger countries. The seas and oceans are rising---from that alone countries will disappear.

    1. It is a complicated concept to understand. It is important to keep in mind the cons with regards to pollution and the planet.

  9. One would think there is only pros from globalization. I never thought about the negative effect it has.

  10. I never though of some of these disadvantages before!! I think we will see the long terms cost of globalization in the next decade. But a lot of the advantages are amazing as well.

  11. Globalization can be a great thing when it's done in the right way. Lately, all the trade deals in the states have been abysmal, though.

  12. I think you cover this very well. You show both sides of the coin and I think that's important in any decision that people make.

  13. This is such an in-depth and informative post. There is most definitely pros and cons to both sides of the coin. x

  14. Very interesting post. Something different to read, which is a nice break. I have to admit I don't think too much about globalization but it is something I think we all need to look at and maybe learn from. With everything there can be good and bad and you have covered alot from either side.

  15. I hadn't really given much thought to the pros and cons. Interesting take on it, but need to learn more before I make up my mind of which side I'm on.

  16. Definitely pros and cons to globalization. Living in a small town in Northern Norway one of the negatives is how much globalization has effected the society here. I guess over time we will learn more about the positives and the ramifications.

  17. I think there are pros and cons to Globalization, and you've done a great job exploring both. It's shame when small businesses, the environment and poorer people or countries suffer from Globalization. Maybe we can find a balance.

  18. Everything has it's pros and cons and being someone who lives in the "free world" I'm all for globalization. I love how you broke it down though.

  19. I haven't studied globalization since college, but I do remember it was a hot button topic at one time when I was there. I know it has its pros and cons, but I am not sure whether I am for it or against it.

  20. That's a very interesting post that refers to the world's economy as well. In a way, the US is already a model for how globalization naturally works.

  21. We need more people that can see both sides of the coin like this. Great explanation!

  22. Though not exactly globalisation but Europe has had similar happens in having the European Union countries encouraging free trade in the countries in Europe if has had both good and bad impacts on different economies

  23. I must say that I am pro to globalization, it is very promising and we will benefit from it. There are still some down side but we can work on it.

  24. Globalization in itself is a generalization, yet this post is so much more informative and detailed. Like anything on this planet globalization has its advantages and cons, is it bad? we decide and we have a choice to make changes!

    Julie Syl

  25. This is something I don't think about often, thank you for pointing out some of the pros and cons of it.

  26. I'm on the fence, there's always and upside and downside to everything. I like having access to different cultures, but we are definitely going to destroy the earth if we aren't careful.

  27. What an interesting post! I'm not against globalization, but I'm not a fan either. I think it is inevitable. Without globalization we would be missing out so many interesting things.

  28. It has to be done responsibly and mindfully. If it's not considerate of our world, then it can be a bad thing.

  29. You did a wonderful job and doing all the pros and cons. I agree that there are always pros and cons to everything. I think you covered this topic very well.

  30. There really are pros and cons to everything. You sorted them out nicely for us here!

  31. I never really thought about this! I guess there are pluses and minuses to just about everything.

  32. Globalization is such a hard issue to tackle. But like you said, it's hardier to swindle people when they know what's going world wide.

  33. I don't believe that globalization is only beneficial to wealthy countries. I am pro to it but I think, even the rising country can benefit a lot from it.

  34. I think globalization is great to keep us connected and the world to feel smaller. But it has it's downsides because we lose jobs to globalization finding cheap labor.

  35. Such a great information as I do not have a depth knowledge of Globalization. I always think Globalization can be bring great changes like how people on Iraq see a new world around them, but this should be done to perfection.

  36. I've never really put much thought into globalization before. I think it's more important than ever that I become familiar with it and share the information with others.

  37. Never really thought about the downside of globalization before. I try my best to support small businesses in my area rather than the larger chain stores.

  38. I've always viewed Globalization to be a positive thing which means we are moving forward and improving. This post made me realize there's also a negative side to it.

  39. I love this post because I haven't really given too much thought in to globalization. Thanks for breaking it down and giving me something to think about!

  40. while there many negative effects of globalization, I guess we can't stop it. My only wish is for big big companies to do their share and be more responsible

  41. Super interesting post to read! I learned a ton about globalization in college so it's cool to hear different perspectives.


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