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Disable AdBlockers

Hi guys, this post is not about information or any answers, but about a humble request. Most of us use Adblock, Adblock plus, or other ad blocking tools to restrict unwanted ads from popping up. But, do we need to do the same on Blogs we trust? I don't think any of us is against monetizing content. If we are not against monetizing then we need to disable ad blocking tools on trusted blogs and sites. You might have seen pages and websites restricting people to access their content; they ask you to disable Adblock and refresh the page.  I personally think forcing people to disable their ad blocking tools is not correct. All I can do is to request you humbly to disable ad blocking tools on my blogs and other trusted blogs (if you use such tools). I don't know why adblockers blacklist google Adsense when it is the safest advertising platform. Google Adsense ads should be white-listed in my opinion. Things are not in our hands and we cannot tell these developers to whitelist or approve anything. But we can take care of each other by disabling these tools on our blogging networks. Your Views?


  1. Totally a fair request! I know that I use ads on my own site to help support our family, so when those are blocked, our family feels it. Definitely from trusted sites and blogs ads aren't a bad thing! :)

    1. Yes, Ads from Google Adsense and other reputed networks are not bad. If an ad system is not irking (showing up while typing, not allowing you to read the content, opening pop ups, spaming, and more) then it should be white-listed by adblockers. Thank you for understanding Tabitha..I hope other people will also understand this and disable adblocking tools on trusted blogs.

  2. very true..if a blog is good and we trust it we should disable these tools

  3. I love you can pick and choose what blogs show you ads I do that alot. I know there are some blogs I have had 200 ads blocked on their page, which is a crazy amount of ads. I know a lot of commercial sites also run faster with out ads as well.

  4. There are some ads in which are very frustrating when I come across a blog, which makes me keep the adblocker on. Some sites have it so ads pop up mid screen, or even annoy you while your typing, or block the box to type in even. I don't mind ads that are stand still, or to the side but have come across blogs that have serious ad problems. Everyone has a right to use or not use an ad blocker just as one has right to run ads or not run ads.

  5. I don't mind ads so long as they are not invading my screen. Pop-ups can be a real headache if they don't go away. But the ads on the sidebars, banners, etc, that's perfectly fine! I disabled my adblocker a long time ago.

  6. I can see your ads just find so I don't think I am using adblockers. I have no problem with blog owners monetizing their blogs.

  7. I did not know it could be customized to each site. AdBlocker is a great tool but you make a good point.

  8. Yes it definitely hurts website owners, youtubers and others when ad block is used.

  9. I'm not a big fan of pop-up ads and sites that request me to disable adblocker when I want to read their content. I always turn off the adblocker when I'm visiting blogs and sites I know for ages.

  10. I don't like adding intrusive ads to my sites. I agree with you. When ads interfere with my experience with a blog, it is a turn off.

  11. I completely agree Gogle Adsense ads should be white-listed. It's hurts so much us that work very hard, and depend on Google.

  12. I'm not using an adblocker, but that's just me. Hopefully most traffic is coming from non-bloggers though.

  13. I didn't know it could be set for specific sites too. Good post and great advice.

  14. I don't mind allowing ads to come up on trusted sites, especially if it will help other bloggers. My only concern is with blogs that aren't so trustworthy as I once had a ad malware virus occur on my computer thanks to a blog.

  15. This is really interesting and every blog or website owner should know about this.

  16. I'm not adverse to ads. I do click on the ones that intrest me, esp. if I'm visiting a blog I trust.

  17. I really dont know much about adblockers but I dont have a problem with ads.

  18. This is really helpful. Sometimes, I am annoyed by ads especially if there is a malware involve.

  19. Yeah, I agree with Google Adsense should be white-listed. Ads really help bloggers, this is a nice request.

  20. Whenever I have time, I do click on ads. I know how it is hard to earn money on blogging.

  21. I don't mind ads. Unless they are popping up every where. Then I mind.

  22. I was using adblockers but I removed the app. For some reason I couldn't see some blog posts on sites I frequent when I used it.


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