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Something About Steroids

Steroids are Harmful

The usual method I know that people use to develop muscles and enhance power is through exercising and partaking in other physical activities. Lifting weights, jogging, push-ups are just some of the specific activities in order to improve health as well as physical characteristics. However, there are some people who choose to use steroids as another way to be muscular and powerful.

Steroids, more specifically anabolic steroids, are drugs that are synthetic versions of testosterone. Anabolic steroids should be differentiated from corticosteroids. Both drugs are prescribed by doctors but for different reasons. Whereas corticosteroids are used for swelling and regulating overactive immune responses of the body, anabolic steroids are mainly for people who have delayed puberty or are having problems with their testicular function. Anabolic steroids promote the growth of skeletal muscle as well as other male characteristics that appear during puberty such as growth of facial hair and deepening of the voice. These are also used by athletes in order to enhance their performance and strength boost. Other than these health conditions, it is discouraged to take it as it can impose risks to our health. It even has side effects that may range from mild ones to those that can be considered life threatening. Some of its side effects are:
Steroid Studs
Photo Credits:  Sam Antonio Photography
·       Acne
·       Liver disease
·       Heart problems
·       Suffer from delusions
·       Prone to baldness
·       Have mood swings
·       Nervousness
·       Difficulty in sleeping
·       Blurred vision

These are just some of its side effects. However, for people who are already suffering from other health conditions such as arthritis, it may cause more harm than usual.

Effects of Steroids to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sweet potato on Steroids
Photo Credits:  Bill Oriani         
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and progressive health condition wherein joints are gradually destructed. Some researches conducted had led to the use of steroids for rheumatoid arthritis. Injection of steroids can ease the pain; however, it does not totally cure it. Moreover, it may even impose other health risks that can worsen the condition. Constant and frequent injection on a certain area can weaken the bone, ligament, and tendon. In addition, it can cause bleeding in the joint. Steroids may also trigger allergic reactions and can cause a rupture of the tendon. These are all just some in addition to the other effects listed above. Although not all may show signs of these side effects, we should note that there are other ways for rheumatoid arthritis treatment that may not impose that same health hazards steroids do. As steroids have a lot of potential disadvantages, other options should be considered for the treatment.

Not only do the drugs itself impose danger. The fact that there is a use of injection to transmit it to our body may also mean exposure to possible HIV or hepatitis infection from needles and syringes that are not sterilized. Also, for women who take steroids, they may show physical characteristics that are usually found in men such as deep voice, facial hair and can also reduce breast size and cause menstrual irregularities.
The long list of the disadvantageous effects of steroids should be looked upon and analyzed before deciding to take it. Though the idea of developing muscle and power through steroids may sound appealing at first, its negative effects to our body might change our view otherwise.


  1. I know steroids can make my candida worse also. I stay as far away from those things as possible. Thanks for making people aware of this.

  2. Funny to see this article as I was just having a discussion about steroids the other day. The potato photo is insane. Scary.

  3. Its scary that people, in this day, would still consider and take steorids with all the dangers that we know about.

  4. With all of the cons, I don't understand why people still use them. :(

  5. Hmmm....quite an interesting read. Thanks!

  6. It's unfortunate how many people take steroids despite all of the warnings about the long term negative health effects that they cause. I guess it has a lot to do with vanity.

  7. I don't know why anyone would ever even think of taking steroids! yikes what a long list of effects

  8. Yikes it's too creepy to read about it . Some people just don't understand the "fancy" effects .

  9. Very good information. I do have to say Steroids when used in conjunction with medical advice are a useful too. Such as with Asthma treatments etc, however I am in full agreement that to take them for 'vanity' purposes is not a very smart idea

  10. you're right. steroids are extremely dangerous. i think some people want a "quick fix" and then end up with long-term issues!

  11. My son has had to take corticosteroids to clear up his asthma, so thank goodness for that medication. I recall hearing of a wrestler who killed his family and himself and it was discovered he was on anabolic steroids. It seems to me taking these types of steroids never results in a positive outcome.

  12. It really worries me that one day I might be put on steroids the whole idea of them leaves me cold - I know they are meant to help but still..

  13. very interesting post thank you for sharing

  14. My daughter has a chronic illness and her new doctors keep trying to put her on steroids. As we have learned in the past, it has a lot of adverse side effects with her. We are trying to go another route.

  15. The potato looks scary!
    When my youngest son was little he had to take steroids at times due to his asthma. It always worried me. He is fine and serving in our military. but it is still some serious drugs with horrid side affects.

  16. I never know the difference between good and bad steroids, I just steer clear. Thank you for the post, it really was informative.

  17. I m with mail4Rosey, I dont know the difference between them either. I used to think all were bad.

  18. we always try to do everything we can without steroids. Even the "good" steroids for medical purposes have side effects and long term use is bad for your health. So whenever possible we rely on natural healing options before we ever resort to medical steroids. The other steroids aren't even an option.

  19. I knew several guys in college that took steroids to get beefy. It was scary how significantly different their moods were. Thanks for the good info here. I learned a lot!

  20. Agree! I was under the impression that they are all bad! Thanks for the awareness.

  21. I can't really imagine why some people use steroids even though they know the effects of it.

  22. Steroids aren't always bad for those thinking it. I actually get steroid shots for my back because I suffer from severe back pains and it really does help. Now using it to build muscles etc I would say is a no-no.

  23. I agree steroids are dangerous. I have had to take them for illnesses and I always have terrible side effects. I try very hard to stay clear of them

  24. There are so many dangerous side affects to steroids that I am always shocked to see how many people still use them. Great article.

  25. The potato should scare anyone about steroids.

  26. Holy s**t the potato! Didn't know steroid could do that to STUFF!! Scary man~

  27. Wow @ the potato! Seriously scary stuff man!

  28. My husband and son go to the gym every day and take whey protein but never steroids, we have seen the damage it has done to others.

  29. That's really scary what steroids did to the potato... even more scary that people still use them after all the negatives that come along with them!

  30. I really don't understand why people still use this, it's terrible!!


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