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The World of Artificial Intelligence

The World of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a subdiscipline of computer science. The main objective of this wise technology is to create intelligent agents, that is, to develop software or create a combination of software and hardware, able to observe and study the environment in which it is present. Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is classified into two areas: strong AI and weak AI. Strong Artificial Intelligence means "computational intelligence" that meets or exceeds manual or human intelligence in a particular area. Weak AI, on the other hand, is completely the opposite of strong AI, because it is not designed to match human intelligence for any given activity. The world we are living in today is full of artificial intelligence. May be we do not acknowledge it, but it is still present in many things. There are different types of Artificial Intelligence technology or computer automation systems that are changing our lives; for instance, you can ask anything from search engines like Google™ and Bing™ and get the related answers.
Let's take a look at the world of AI today and how recent advances in Artificial Intelligence could change our future.
The World of Artificial Intelligence

The World of Artificial Intelligence Today

Robotics: Robotics is evolving swiftly with AI technology. In the past, robots were simple machines, which couldn't automate things and only worked with manual remote controls. However, present-day robots are smart and incorporated with environmental sensors that can study the surrounding environment and detect explosives, as well as carry out a lot of critical tasks.
Automatic Vacuum: The automatic vacuum, also known as a Robotic vacuum, is one of the basic types of AI technology. An automatic vacuum can learn and map the strategies of an area. This device can learn the coordinates of a room, based on hitting objects such as furniture and walls of the room. Once it has mapped the home, it can easily plan and clean all the rooms without hitting any object.
Chat Bots
Voice Recognition Systems: Voice recognition systems (speech recognition) also come under artificial intelligence technology. Voice recognition technology is available in most smartphones and cars. These systems were the most cumbersome to build, because it is hard to decipher different voices and their characteristics. Modern voice recognition systems, such as Google™ Now ---formerly known as Google™ Voice Search--- use effective learning techniques to improve voice search.[1]
Chatbots: Chatbots are common these days, and they are likewise another type of AI technology. Recently, Google™ launched its application "Google™ Allo," which is incorporated with an impressive chatbot. Microsoft’s Cortana™ and Apple’s Siri™ are also great examples of intelligent chatbots. Future chatbots will be more accurate in stimulating smart or intelligent conversations with humans.
Artificial Intelligence Today
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Navigation Systems: Navigation systems are also smart computer systems that use AI technology. One great example is car navigation systems. You just need to enter the destination to get the directions, with the AI system determining them after detecting your current location. Navigation systems are also advancing: for instance, we can get traffic updates, along with the directions, as well as suggestions for the fastest routes.

Artificial Intelligence technology is advancing very fast, but it is still far behind our brains. It might take many years for AI  machines to use "logic," in order to determine the best methods of troubleshooting. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence is behind some of the most revolutionary advances in modern mechanics, medicines, and more. Our lives are incomplete without artificial intelligence today. Let's take a look at some recent advances in AI.

Recent Advances in AI

Development of Robotic Surgery
The Development of Robotic Surgery: The Henry Ford Hospital is using 3D robotic instruments (The Da Vinci® Robot: a Robotic Surgical System) for prostate surgery. In 2008, they employed the use of 3D robotics for kidney removal; it was the very first robotic kidney removal procedure. Surprisingly, the procedure resulted in less blood loss, quicker healing time, and a better cosmetic result, due to the single incision. Today, robot-assisted surgeries are helping surgeons to perform many complex procedures with more control, flexibility, and precision.[2] 

Artificial Intelligence in Public Infrastructure: Robotic crawlers are great examples of AI in public infrastructure. They can identify weak spots in power and high-voltage transmission lines.[3] 
High voltage Transmission Lines
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The U.S. Military has also employed AI technology in its systems in the form of automobiles, as well as other smart gadgets which can detect explosives.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Future Prospects

Most people are skeptical about the future of AI. Some are not sure whether it is going to be beneficial for humanity, while others are eagerly waiting to see some great innovations.
Smart Machines: No one can predict the future, but, as per the current scenario, it is easy to say that we are going to see a new sort of "Animal-Inspired" smart machines. However, these smart machines will change and update over time, as an aftereffect of their interactions with the world. They will be strange, regardless of how smart they'll work. These machines are going to enter the public consciousness for sure.[4]
Robots: Future robots will take over all jobs, just like present applications have taken over most small businesses. We will have smart robots designed for specific tasks and certain jobs.
  • According to Pieter Abbeel, an associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley, robots will keep us safe from disasters. Moreover, traffic accidents and deaths will be prevented through AI technology.
  • As per Stuart Russell, a professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, future AI computers will solve all the problems that are related to climate change.  

Web 3.0: Web 3.0 (Third-GenerationWeb) is an ongoing project, as well as the next big thing in the evolution of the world wide web and its applications. This project is attempting to correct the semantic inadequacies of the existing web (2.0) by introducing dynamic and versatile markup to the documents that make up the network. Web 2.0 is the social web (bookmarking, social sharing, hash tagging, and more), while Web 3.0 will be the intelligent web, for example, intelligent software agents, intelligent browsing, and other aspects of artificial intelligence technologies. [5] 
Web 3.0 Third Generation Web
Self Driving Cars: After the Uber software application, we are now heading toward self-driving cars. We can clearly see the future of an AI technology that will be able to self-drive a vehicle and have the potential to prevent road accidents.
Self Driving Cars
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Nanobots: Would it not be amazing, if we could learn a new language or skill in 2-3 minutes, just by downloading it into our brains? According to Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, it is possible through Nanobots. These tiny robots, if implanted in our heads, help us access and learn any new language, skill, or any information in just a few minutes. Ray Kurzweil also predicts that, by 2030, humans will be able to archive their thoughts and memories through Nanobots. In short, these tiny robots will make us God-like! This AI advancement, if used positively, can do great things, like improving human intelligence and treating conditions like epilepsy.

Artificial Intelligence and Globalization

There are limitless exciting possibilities! Artificial Intelligence will definitely do wonders in the future, just like it is doing right now; it is like crafting our own mind. Who would have thought that we will have advanced sensors? Who envisioned that we will have smartphones? In recent years, we have achieved a lot through artificial intelligence. In fact, AI has played a major role in globalization; for instance, we have successfully established the platform of outsourcing, and who can forget the social media that helped us connect with different parts of the world. In the past, we had only one medium to know about the world, television, but now we have social networks to get the real statistics.
Artificial Intelligence and Globalization

What can happen in the Future?

No one can predict the future, but, when it comes to artificial intelligence, it is highly predictable that we will swiftly advance. Our life is nothing without artificial intelligence, because we are addicted to the technology. Can you live without a smartphone? No, and why would you, when you get benefits from it? The same rules apply in the field of artificial intelligence; we now have brains big enough to create intelligent machines for our comfort and convenience. This concept is all about teaching the machines to learn, execute certain tasks,  solve problems, as well as to become smart and intelligent. However, some AI studies suggest that machines need to think for themselves, in order to succeed in the future; basically, they need to self-direct certain tasks by using logic. The future of AI is bright, as it has many benefits for humankind; however, the same have the potential to ruin us. Some of the potential risks of future Artificial Intelligence systems include minimal amounts of manual jobs, less privacy, and machine dependency. Nevertheless, the benefits of AI will greatly outweigh its disadvantages. We have adjusted in the past, we are adjusting with the technology in the present, and we will surely adjust in the future, as well.  The Artificial Intelligence systems of our future will change warfare, revolutionize disaster response, international strategies, and other critical  areas of our lives
Artificial Intelligence Systems

Bottom Line

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will definitely change the future, because it is poised on the verge of infinite interesting possibilities, and these possibilities could make their way into your office and home. We should not forget that artificial intelligence will also change the prospect of studying, and it could likewise introduce different, unique areas of engineering and technology. In fact, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to reinvent the whole education system. AI can bring about great changes.
Artificial Intelligence will change our future


[1] Derrick Harris, "Google improves voice search," Fortune, 2015
[2] Henry Ford Health System, About the Robotic Surgical System, The da Vinci® Robot.
[3] HiBot Corp, HiBot - Robotic Solution for Extreme Environments
[4] Dr. Mark Humphrys, "The Future of Artificial Intelligence," Robot Books


  1. I hesitate to have a self driving car. I like to be in control and don't trust a wheel my hand isn't on. I do like that I can talk to my phone though. I sent a text while I'm the shower the other day by talking my phone through it. It was pretty cool.

  2. This is pretty interesting. I love the movie AI that came out a LONG time ago

  3. I didn't even realize we use AI! Our smartphones have "ask google" which is voice activated. We also use navigation through google.

  4. Agree with you that AI will change the future in a big way. I look forward to see self-driving car in the market.

  5. The advances really are amazing. When you look at the list there are so many important areas that really impact quality of life for some people! It is mind-blowing and will be fun to see where it all goes!

  6. This is really awesome! I never thought about how much AI is already around us. I always thought of it in terms of fully sentient robots, but you're right, it really is everywhere in one form or another.

  7. What a fun post to read, I am always intrigued by artificial intelligence.

  8. Technology creates more and more ideas that people will make easy every day livelihood. And I think, we should always defend in all technologies.

  9. I think, some people are defended in all technologies, like google instead reading a book. I hope future generations will not be a lazy.

  10. I think all of the artificial intelligence options are fantastic. I'm ready to get a robotic vacuum.

  11. There's so much to learn about Artificial Intelligence and it would be awesome to spark the interest of the kids about this too. Thanks for sharing all these cool details!

  12. It's amazing how much AI is already a part of our daily life. I'm open to what lies ahead, but also caution. I think we have to be careful that we don't become too dependent on technology to do everything for us.

  13. It's amazing that things like this weren't in the realm of imagination 25 years ago and look where we are now. The future is going to be incredible.

  14. All of this amazing technology has really come so far. It is really crazy to think about what all we can do just through one device.

  15. Artificial Intelligence is super interesting and I love to discover new things for our future. This post has been super informative!

  16. I think it's interesting how intelligent everything is becoming these days. Even the doorbells are brilliant now, lol. Really!

  17. AI is so incorporate into our world and it is something I never really think about until I read something like this. Great post!

  18. i HAVE SEEN AI on TV and wondered what on earth will be created next by our brilliant human minds! I do enjoy chatting with bots online and literally finding their Achilles heel lol! On the other hand I find other bits annoying... Go figure. Awesome detailed share Akhil! :)

  19. I think advances in artificial intelligence have been great for those wearing prosthetics. I've seen a lot of athletes competing in special olympics with these robotic limbs.

  20. It is amazing how technology has advanced over a few short years. I may still be a little technologically challenged at times but I am excited to see all these things that make like a little bit easier.

  21. I'm 40...I graduated high school with no internet (at least that I knew of). My kids don't know life without it! It's so crazy to think about. I'm sort of excited to see what comes next!

  22. Fast changing technology we have nowadays! This is such an amazing and truly informative read for me.

  23. The evolution of computing and technology is amazing. I remember when households didn't even have computers.

  24. Such an interesting article. With technology at its peak we are witnessing so many new changes and the recent advances in AI is really amazing. I am sure AI is going to change the future and no one can predict at what extent we are going to see those changes happen!

  25. Artificial intelligence is such a cool topic! There's so many amazing things that come out of it and it's great to see that that is the future!

  26. AI is the way of the future. I am a bit concerned with the self driving car however i think it is great that we are working so hard to make things easier for everyone

  27. This is a very good read for me. Why? Well, I am not that updated regarding AI and stuff and reading this makes me wanna read more about it now.

    Comment for TAUYANM.COM

  28. Very informative. true, I am also amazed on how artificial intelligence becomes part of our daily lives. So excited of what will happen 10 years from now :)

  29. It is going to be interesting in the coming years. I know that these new developments are both good and bad.

  30. Artificial Intelligence has come a long way. It's going to be a little creepy seeing cars drive by themselves. I don't know if I could totally trust a car driving by itself. I look at all the cool stuff that we have today. You can now see who is at your door from your cell phone when you are not home. That is pretty cool.


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